What shapes Waveform?

Studio Values


Clay is for everyone; Waveform is a place to feel fully present and appreciated. Waveform’s first value has three areas of focus:

Bodies - I invite you to share anything that feels relevant in regards to chronic pain, illness and/or disability in my intake form so that we can talk about how to adjust and be aware of different needs throughout the session. Varied experiences in our bodies is part of being human and creating an art space where we can speak openly and learn from one another is a priority. An experience perceived as a limitation may simply be an adjustment (and creative opportunity) in the studio. If you aren’t sure if throwing on the wheel is possible for you because of something going on with your body, let’s talk.

Cost - It’s also key that classes are affordable, and if cost is a barrier, Waveform has a sliding scale program that focuses on BIPOC through an Equity Fund. Through tips and donations, the Waveform community collectively sponsored over $3,500 worth of classes in its first year.

Identity - People of all backgrounds belong at Waveform. The art world is not immune to isms, and it’s important to openly point out racial diversity as normal, celebrated and necessary. Waveform is a queer, non-binary owned studio; we validate and respect pronouns (mine are they/them). Waveform is somewhere where you can be yourself.


To be curious is to approach something with an open mind. When you approach the material world, and an art-making process, setting aside expectations makes space for a range of feelings and experiences. You let go of what you think needs to happen and you can be fully present. Making art can be vulnerable. Approaching the process from a place of curiosity flips fear of failure into a series of opportunities. I try to embody and model curiosity with the way I show up with you - I learn from each of you. Feelings, mistakes and anxieties do not phase me (this is an art studio, not work or school!); I do not try and manage what happens. I remain inquisitive, attentive and present. I love my job and I want to be here with you!


Waveform is a place to find spaciousness. To feel grounded. To connect through music, our bodies, laughter, mutual silence, clay. I take good care of myself before, during and after our sessions so I can show up in a way that invites relaxation. The DIY nature of the studio and my approach to the material is strategic: hence the “chill vibes” Waveform boasts in its motto. It’s okay take the process seriously, but let’s not take ourselves too seriously. We take time to breathe, stretch and decompress.


I celebrate you from the moment you come in the door, start taking risks, and try things that feel intimidating. I like to take pictures of you with your work and celebrate each step of the process. I cheer you on. Too often we are focused on the outcome, the product, the “thing” that you make. Waveform is an opportunity to slow down and celebrate moments that make up the creative process. With clay, it is endless. There is a story along the way, and Waveform is an opportunity to celebrate it together.