A person calmly seated at a potter's wheel, hands hovering above a clay vessel.


Settle your nervous system and spend some quality time with clay.

CLAYBODY is introspective, trauma-aware arts programming created in response to my experiences in the studio working with folks who are burned out from work, exposed to trauma regularly and feeling depleted, hopeless and/or in need to quality time with the material world (and themselves).

Waveform hosts two CLAYBODY offerings currently: Claybody Craft Night, a sliding scale bimonthly group class on Thursdays from 6:30 - 8:30pm for $20-65, and Private 1:1 Lessons for $165. Sign up for Craft Night here, or get the conversation started about private lessons here.

Read on to learn more about CLAYBODY, who might resonate with these offerings and FAQ.

Claybody is for…

  • folks working with the environment or animal services

  • caregivers & healthcare workers

  • trauma stewards (social work, education, etc.) in need of protective remedies for burnout

  • self-acknowledged perfectionists and recovering people pleasers

  • knowledge workers who feel stuck or uninspired

  • people who feel a disconnect with their bodies

CLAYBODY includes...

  • Thoughtful music that engages the senses and supports emotional well-being.

  • Movement: stretching, body scans and movement to promote physical well-being and release tension.

  • Clay, and throwing on the wheel: opportunities to express yourself and explore your inner world through clay in motion.

  • Emphasis on supported failure: an environment where you can experiment, take risks, and learn without judgment.

  • Peer-support: an opportunity to connect

  • CLAYBODY offers private sessions for $165, or group Craft Nights for a sliding scale of $20 - 65.

  • Claybody offerings are slower and more process-focused. You may end up keeping what you make, but it's not the end goal. CLAYBODY group offerings also create a container and opportunity for peer-support.